>>6213710>Was there ever a point in your life when so much of it's contents felt like turning ninety degrees from the previous destination..?Yes, yes
But that's private, you know~.. ?
>>6213734yeah, I think at that point you've gotta cut back on the touhouery man
This bout with Erin and Aya sounds horrifying
Back when I was getting in too deep with it I had a dream like this too. I got sent to gensokyo (somehow). I battled my way to the hakurei shrine - any touhou who attacked me I made a bet with: if they couldn't hit me within a time limit, they would let me go. I was very persuasive, and it's not like I could beat youkai as a human. After beating Yukari, who was visiting the shrine, she sent me home, and I woke up.
>>6213822I work nights, and you don't know what timezone I'm in. A fun guess, though.
Also, Fake-Kobe truly isn't Korbo - this one mostly complains about people making disgusting pizzas like yours, and on not having a girlfriend