Not by forcing everyone in the world to accept your DUMB ASS beliefs at gun point.
For example.
You believe that the ultimate loving being in existence requires human sacrifice.
Ultimate loving being is going to torture people for eternity.
God requires you to practice human sacrifice or else........
If you knew what god was you would know that all of that is blasphemy compared to what god actaully is.
It also is zorastrain corruption.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hl9QgeHdKYkTheir are some major corruption holes in your religion and because YOU specifically YOU are spiritually blind you follow the corruption without knowing any better because you can't tell the difference between truth and shit.
All you can do is make the bible into god which is idolatry and mindlessly regurgitate it hoping it's true.
All the while making a complete fucking ass of yourself.
How many people are atheist simply because Christians are such total jack asses.
He also talks about how the catholic church is de - elevating jesus and elevating the goddes energy.
Guess what. Jesus isn't supposed to be god. Jesus is a prophet.
When you make Jesus god he become the anti christ.
So an anit pope is any time you have 2 popes.
At the niccean creed their were 2 version of Jesus which makes one of them the anti Christ.
This has a huge impact upon the theology.
One of them Jesus was a man a prophet only.
The other Jesus is god incarnate.
This also impacts the interpretation of alot of passages.
For example when Jesus is a prophet it means he is the same as us.
So when he says he is the child of god. It means we are children of god to according to his usage.
What it means is our soul is the part of of that comes from god.
However when you make Jesus special different from us. The interpretation changes. It changes to GOD FUCKED HIS MOM.