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Jesus said, "I have come that you might have life and have it abundantly.”
Abundant life: You get a little taste of it when you see a beautiful waterfall, a sunset, make a great golf shot, ride a roller-coaster, a first kiss, etc. Peak moments in your life feel good, because you get a larger percentage of what each moment of life actually contains.
Abundant life = true life.
True religion is real living. Albert Einstein
People in the past did not know what Jesus meant by “abundant life,” so they turned around its literal meaning, interpreting it to mean “a life of abundance.” Many preachers use this to justify getting rich and having an abundance of possessions. Misinterpretation leads people in the wrong direction.
Your mind is the gatekeeper of life. Sometimes it lets a little true life in, but most of the time it doesn't. You can only see the truth when it lets all of life in.
Figure 1 shows how mankind currently perceives life. Figure 2 shows true life.
The arrows represent life coming to you from all directions. The dotted linesshows your mind blocks most of the life coming to you. Without the mind blocking life, you receive all of life, abundant life, true life, and reflect it all back out.