>>10741919>upok so you imagine distance. ok, good. that gives us a reference point
'maybe the edge of the earth you would sail a boat off of if you tried to sail a boat around it idea, im just tossing stuff out here cuase you sound completely fucked up, is just a mountain. not th eedge of the earth.
2nd. if you think the direction to the sky is up then that must mean you think we have a forward and left and right directions. which means, why in the fuck would you think this shit would just dangle up there in space for no reason?
answer thsi really hard question,. why do we see stars, suns from other solar systems, millions of light years away, right? but when its dark here on earth and one SIDE is dark, the other is lit up, by calling them on the phone and they look outside. ...where the FUCK did our sun go??
and why would you think anything has this much control? as in controlling all the factors related to this, like the jim carrey movie. what other "signs' have you seen that pointed to that?
ill be waiting your fucking shit