>"The most depraved fellow is not so different from the most worthy man as the wretched hussy is from a noble woman. And is it not also that one finds very much good spoken of men but nothing good of women yet."—Novalis 1997, 'Teplitz Fragments' in M Mahony Stoljar (ed.), Novalis: Philosophical Writings, State University of New York Press, NY, p. 104.
>"Charcoal and diamonds are one substance - and yet how different. Should it not be the same with man and woman. We are made of clay and women are jewels and sapphires that also consist of clay."—ibid, p. 105
>"The more energetically that which is to be eaten resists, the livelier will the flame of the moment of enjoyment be. Application to oxygen. Rape is the most intense kind of enjoyment. Woman is our oxygen."—Novalis 1997, 'General Draft' in M Mahony Stoljar (ed.), Novalis: Philosophical Writings, State University of New York Press, NY, p. 124.
>"Is woman the purpose of man and is woman without purpose?"—ibid, p. 165