>>19203489Unfortunately, I’ve been here since 2008. Mostly on /b/, /a/ and /r9k/, then later /pol/ which I think was around 2010, when m00t nuked /new/ board.
>/b/ It used to a place where real social outcast would post. It felt strange, bizarre, funny and a little dangerous. People used to lurk, before posting. Users would wouldn’t spoon feed people and not feed the trolls. This created a board culture that could immediately spot an outsider. Generally, 4chan wasn’t political, but more just contrarian and opposed to authority.
>/r9k/ (robot9000 and robot9001) Used to be my favorite board. It was just for original content and the bot wouldn’t let you post duplicate content. It first became the forever alone/kiss less hug less virgin board (the term before incel), then later a faggot and tranny safe space. The place was defiantly astroturfed by a group of dedicated fags. They’re easy targets because they’re social outcast, and misery likes company.
>/pol/I’ve been here since king nigger, Trevon Martin, and Chris Dorner. Post used to be well thought out and actual discussion. Gaymer Gayte and the 2016 election made this place miserable. Games gate was mostly annoying because /v/irgins got upset their precious gaming journalist were giving out good reviews to some ugly girl because she fucked them. They got mad because /v/ got sick of them shitting up the board and came here. This is all stuff /pol/ has been saying about journalism anyways.
The 2016 election was also annoying because that was when I really started noticing shills and later bot post. /pol/ is still my home board.