>>21290073>>482798551Don't disagree brother, you gotta get a little lost to grow as a person, but the key is to eventually find your way back.
Trying different places, careers, schools.... that's one thing. Where it becomes a problem is when you give up your core values and personality to fit in with an idea of what you feel like you're supposed to be, or what society pressures you to be.
I was raised a cradle catholic, promised myself i'd way to get married to have sex, swore i'd never drink etc. Then i went away to college and the army, got pressured to do both... Now that im older an wiser, i look back on that decade of my life with so much sorrow... I let other people break my humanity, and in the process, i left a trail of broken people through sinful acts. That's a tough thing to live with, at times, i feel like I don't even belong in church because of the stupid shit i did as a teenager.
It's fine to explore different aspects of living, its not fine to forget entirely who you are, what you were raised to be, your values. Trying to fit in with college party culture and then being in the army i feel like robbed me of an optimistic humanity i has a kid.