Found this thread on /wg/ and I thought it was an interesting concept.
Post a wallpaper, or an equivalent image that reflects your thoughts and feels. I've always felt better when I got things out of my head. Maybe it'll help help you feel better too.
ITT I'll be posting a new wallpaper every day along with some of my thoughts on it. For the first day I'll share three. Feel free to disagree with any of the following. I appreciate different perspectives.
>>>/wg/7383943Strong male friendships seem to be harder and harder to come by as people increasingly prioritize economic conditions and wealth above all else. I had a great friend in elementary school, and we bonded because we were both misfits. I was an aspie and really didn’t have any other friends besides him (not quite true, there was the neighbor’s kid and another one I knew from soccer practice but by this time I didn’t hang out with them much anymore since I stopped taking soccer and my neighbor’s parents were going through a divorce that still makes me angry to think about). He was a troublemaker that delighted in being offensive and pushing the bar. To some extent I can’t imagine a person less like me, considering how I was raised very traditionally and conservatively, but looking back on it I understand how much we had in common, since it was southern California and the very fact that my family was so traditional didn’t mesh well with the community. We treated each other badly a lot of the time and we fought a lot, but we were both misfits and we both respected each other, and there was a certain loyalty between us that I don't think I've felt since.
I don't know where he is now or how he's doing, but last I heard he became a brony and a bisexual, and joined some social justice group. Sometimes I wonder if he would have stayed my friend in spite of that. I don't know, political activism can tear friendships apart so easily.