My Catholic Dad asked me to read the hitchhikers guide and now I'm an atheist
Anonymous ID:llqlsP8S No.1307326 View ViewReport Quoted By:
So in december my dad asked me to read the hitchikers guide. Before this I was catholic but not too devout. About halfway through the book I started to seiousley question god. By the end I was an athiest. No depression or religion switching involved, this book converted me.
Good job dad, that was the best book I wil ever read.
I came out to my mother, who is apparantley an athiest. ALOT about her makes sense now. Her mother and my grandmother is an athiest too. We talked about the universe, mike pence and the sort. She thought my dad suggesting the guide was hilarious.
This is how elon musk became an athiest too apparantley.
If I ever become president I will be sworn in on the hitchikers guide to the galaxy. It encompasses my beliefs like a bible.