>>15779519Ding ding ding! This!
The free market is a naturally occuring phenomenon in all history. "Capitalism" to Marx was the ideology which justified the private ownership of property. To Marxs alcoholism riddled brain, capital was a special kind of property that generated more property. This meant that those that had it would keep it to generate more if it while keeping you, those who do not own capital, down. For example, Elon musk has so much money from the value of the company itself, the value of the stock (a special form of property). He can go to a bank and move these assets around on paper for the equivalent of their value to buy other capital of equivalent value, without ever having to produce a single physical dollar. This is why you have so many actors and grifters like Hassan are filthy rich yet think that they are proletariat. It's not rich vs poor per se but owner vs worker. In this retarded ideology the $400,000 doctor is pressed and the immigrant or "white trash" lower class owner and operator of a gas station is a bourgeoisie oppressor
This is what racecrits mean by "whiteness as property" by the way. That being white is a special form of capital that can be exchanged for value deliberately to exclude those that do not have access to it