>>9797838>some of the most redpilled in the world.I knocked one out outside a pub
>Standing outside pub myself>Two men and women standing together>Convo starts about politics>One guy tells me they are Trotskyists>I tell them I'm a Ethno-Nationalsit>Ginger cunt tells me:"Pricks like you are the reason there's divisions in society" and he seems angry>Me: No, need for name calling>I then sucker punch him about 3 seconds after saying that>KO'd>"HAAAAA">His friend and two of the girls go for me>His friend can't fight for shit>He jumps at me punching and throwing a knee at the same time, while holding his left hand randomly up in the air>Drop him with right hook, start kicking his head,>The two girls now hitting me, grabbing my collar>Ginger is trying to stand back up>brush skanks off>Jog past him as he gets up and say ">hahahahahahahahaha">Chases me with his broken pint glass that smashed when I KO'd him>Entire time he's chasing me I'm laughing and egging him on>He's furious>But in bad shape