So the guy who sent out the ships to the antarctic base with operation high jump suddenly goes full mental and suicides? being asked for his resignation he was in a 'daze'.
> In 1949, exhausted from overwork, Forrestal entered psychiatric treatment.> 1st week: narcosis with sodium amytal.That's a 'truth serum and a german hypno drug
> 2nd – 5th weeks: a regimen of insulin sub-shock combined with psycho-therapeutic interviews.What? That sounds familiar.
> 4th week: insulin administered only in stimulating doses; 10 units of insulin four times a day, morning, noon, afternoon and evening.Later his body is found as if he jumped out of a window although he was on the verge of recovery.
Sooooo.... they suicided him because he wanted to reveal the schwabenland saucers? Nice.