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But really, I think that the White people who get upset with me when I say that we ought to preserve the White race aren’t worried that this will hurt the feelings of Blacks. They aren’t worried about being offensive to Blacks. It is they who are offended, because it is an assault on their religion. One of the things that led me to this conclusion was my noticing that the people who send me hate letters have a tendency to say very similar things, as if they’re quoting from scripture. I’ve already mentioned one of the scriptural quotes I often hear from these people: “we’re all the same inside,” which is just another way of saying that the only difference between the races is skin color. And then there’s the reminder that we all bleed red. I guess I’ve heard that a thousand times. And it’s such a stupid thing to say, that they must be quoting scripture. It’s like saying that people have white bones, and rattlesnakes have white bones, therefore there’s really no difference between people and rattlesnakes. When they say, “We all bleed red,” that’s supposed to end the argument. It’s like they believe they have said something very profound.
And there are other really stupid things they all have in their litany. For example, I’ve heard them say at least a thousand times, “There’s no such thing as a White race. There’s only the human race.” And if you meet one of these idiots face to face, he’ll prove to you that there’s no such thing as a White race. He’ll put his hand down on a sheet of white paper and triumphantly point out that his skin tone — and mine — aren’t really white, like the paper. End of argument.