The chaos unfolding around SHEE6 is a bit much and her senses become overwhelmed. She stands in a daze for a few seconds, and is afflicted by the passing temptation to engage in ruminations on the recreational benefits of the very act of breathing - but no, she is not quite that socially awkward. Recalling her congeniality lessons, she takes a deep breath and approaches the last person to address her, employing the full breadth of her conversational skills.
>>18759188>"Greetings to you as well, mine most esteemed co-hostess of the Night Villa! This is not catering! I am the wrestling knight SHEE6, and these tacos which I have brought to the party for the mutual shared enjoyment of yourself and the other partygoers are the handiwork of mine own mother, who dropped me off at the party in her minivan! I do hope you enjoy them, for then we will have an important quality in common, that being the simple pleasure which we derive from a well-prepared taco, that finest of foods. I entreat of you, wise Shogun, mine gracious hostess, please avail yourself of these delicious delicacies! They are free to all here!">>18759192>>18759259As she's talking, SHEE6 takes a cup of the punch from the punch bowl. She sips on it and smiles.
>"Ahaa! This punch has a spicy undercurrent of taste to it. I quite like it!"She eagerly slurps down her cup and starts on a second, and the warmth of the alcohol begins spreading throuh her belly.
>>18760300She sees the woman in diamond armor and smiles.
>"Salutations be upon you, mine Queen of Diamonds! I assume you to be a monarch of some standing, at any rate. I mineself am but a humble wrestling knight, SHEE6. I do very much admire and covet your splendid armor!"