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British people are retarded assholes for the following reasons:
>Call Americans fat even though England has an severe obesity epidemic
>Insult Americans don’t have free healthcare but they have to pay retarded taxes for it
>They have a very high opinion of themselves even though they have disgusting ass teeth
>Say America has “gun problem” even though there are shit tons of people getting stabbed and having acid thrown on their faces everyday
>Their country is an ugly dump and boring as fuck
>Drinking tea everyday stains their teeth
>insult Americans about eating hamburgers even though they have McDonalds on every street corner
>everyone in the country is broke because of the stupid ass taxes they pay
>they’re also just really fucking annoying
>Blame America for killing native Americans even though they’re the ones who landed their boats on the Eastern shores of the US and started butchering natives
>also really irritating to deal with