>>8984167>can you tell me my fortune?Cannot predict now.
>>>/s4s/8225135>okay, so what is the goat hypothetical?Yes.
https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Never_Assan2/publication/265187909/figure/fig1/AS:392231753142274@1470526745443/Hypothetical-goat-breeding-plan-for-generation-of-triple-crosses-in-Zimbabwe.png>>8984170>interesting, now then. if I were to slowly replace the parts of a ship over... let's say 10 years, would it still be the original ship?The purpose, crew and idea behind could be the same but ship - definitely no.
..better not tell you now~
>what if I were to take the parts I replaced and make a ship out of them too? which would be the original?The new one.
It is decidedly so.
>>8984177It seems mine must've enter your body..
>>8984178woah, spooky~
>>8984186Fugg are you living in Cracow?
>>8984199Playing vidya with friends!
Already did ebin workout today and helped grandparents pretty darn a lot much, so there's that.
Cleaned room, did some homework~
All good for some evening vidya.
U n t h i n k a b l e