Confessions outside the statute of limitations.
Anonymous ID:fgBcDlro No.3032800 View ViewReport Quoted By:
>Chicago, a while ago
>I'd just stepped off a plane in Midway and had to make it to O'Hare in like fifteen minutes, because the flight into Midway was late
>someone saw that I was carrying cash in one pocket, and I didn't see them see that
>also didn't see them take that cash
>got to the bus to take me to O'hare.
>I ... (fumbling in my pockets) .... You don't take debit, do you? (I was almost sweating. I had no recourse if she'd said no, and I'd have missed my plane.)
I was really lucky this night, anons.
>bus driver was a black woman.
>"Get in."
>"Okay. Thank you. So, so much."
>"Just be quiet."
>Not long later, we arrive at Chicago O'Hare.
>She grabs me by the shoulder
>Anon, you're a servicemember aren't you
>how in the fuck.psd
>My whole route is late right now, I might be fired.
>My son's in the Navy.
>..... well I'll see what I can do
>my plane left not even twenty minutes ago
>I spent the whole six hours waiting for the next plane wandering around the airport throwing change into payphones and asking my friends to report a shitload of shit
>Called in a number of false alarm bad driving calls
>Called in a few random "suspicious package" calls
>They even called in a bomb threat on a bus she wasn't driving that night.
>fucked up traffic enough that she wasn't even questioned
I bet that's not what she wanted, but she didn't get fired. Anybody else got a fun story that's old enough to talk about now?