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Red ID the girl will be very passionate about sex, every day expect rose petals on your bed, a bubble bath prepared and a full meal on your table by candlelight.
Pink ID the girl is a beautiful flirtatious blonde but resolves herself for you only. Many days you will see her flirting with men until you arrive where she jumps to your side to continue along.
Yellow ID she is Chinese. She will manage your finances no matter what you say or do. I'm sorry.
Blue ID a laid back liberal arts major who teaches secondary school and runs marathons. She will never take your stance on differing opinions but neither will she argue. You will have a kid with her no matter what you do.
Brown or Black ID she is mixed, an island girl from the Caribbean. She smells like pineapple and loves to swim. Her occupation is boat captain.
Green ID is an Irish lass. She is young and has a knack for finishing your sentences for you and giggling aloud. She eats potatoes every day and will raise your kids to have an irish accent, know the Irish language. Be warned that your third child will have ass freckles.
Purple ID this woman is cute but an oddball. She loves dressing up in costumes. So much so that she works at a ballpit baby burger joint and forces you to only have sex with her while she's in character. She is also manic and will not stay indoors unless you have sex first (every six hours)
Orange ID congratulations, your boss's daughter took an interest in you and upon being invited to their mansion you will become her first boyfriend. She is dedicated to make the relationship last but if you cheat on her you'll be roughed up by Corporate reddit Bogposters from Australia
White or Tan ID this girl is skinny, italian, is from Boston, has a can-do attitude and calls you a pussy every time you disagree with her. She is ticklish however so if she gets mad just start wiggling your fingers to show her who's in charge.