Quoted By:
>As many Jewish organizations and leaders have pointed out, Trump’s comments reflect and leverage antisemitic stereotypes. They also, though, show how central conspiracy theories, bigotry and ethnonationalism are to his worldview. His remarks about Jewish people illuminate the fascist core infecting the current Republican Party.
>Trump’s comments consistently tap into antisemitic ideas that Jewish people are not really Americans and that Jews in the diaspora supposedly have a dual loyalty — second to the United States, but first to Israel and the Jewish people. For Trump, America is a land of and for white Christians; Jews are outsiders belonging of and to their own ethnonationalist state of Israel.
>When Trump characterizes Jews as disloyal backstabbers corrupting ethnonationalist purity, he’s repeating some of Hitler’s favorite slanders. Following World War I, many antisemitic Germans, including Hitler, blamed the country’s loss on the perfidy and betrayal of Jews and communists (whom Hitler often lumped together).
Trump needs to be put into a peach ASAP.