>>13396710>legitThere *IS* no 'legit' when it comes to Yoinkass!
I'd like to propose a disturbing hypothesis that came to me suddenly in the shower... a ‘what if’..., if you like.
I always assumed that Jordan Rivera (aka. Yonkers etc etc) was always *larping*, just *pretending*, role-playing (as such), with his stupid, moronic, idiotic, humiliating, compulsive and just plain dumb replies and pathetic lies all the time... just one big game he was playing with us all.
Now - and this is where it gets really disturbing -
What if... if it *WASN'T* a larp at all? What if Jordan really *was* as idiotic, infantile, moronic, regressive, imbecilic, deluded (etc) as he makes out to be? That it *wasn't* a game at all? But this is what he is *really* like?
Fuck... the alternatives are just too disturbing to contemplate... it just *can't* be true, can it?
Can it?