Quoted By:
>be me
>last week
>girlfriend is poorfag, but likes vidya
>forces me to play roblox with her
>forces me to play jailbreak
>kill 4 squeakers
>they complain in chat
>get arrested
>become the very thing i sought to destroy
>get out of prison
>get bored
>i start jumping on people's cars
>most people try and shake me off
>shitty car physics make that nearly impossible
>laugh at their suffering
>come across this one guy
>never spoke to him
>jump on top of his car
>he drives off into the sunset
>i am on his car
>we share a deep emotional bond
>no words are ever spoken between us
>i fall of his car
>car stops
>car reverses
>he waits for me to jump back on his car
>we are brothers now
>he drives to a pretty big building
>stops the car
>we are in the middle of the shooting range
>drugs are being sold from the back of a white van
>~10 people are there, on both sides
>police snipers on top of building
>bro dies in a gunfight
>i die in a gunfight
>quit the game, force my gf to leave
>never saw my bro again
If you're out there bro, I love you than my roblox gf. No homo.