>>1686369I understand what you're speaking of. I was in fact one of the people who helped construct it (the Cirno) and am privy to its present location; if you notice, one of the placeholders being filled in by the new portrait is a mini-Cirno of the same pattern. However, know that a part of the old Iron Cross was composted of what would later become the Clovers: formally classified as /bant/ East by ourselves. The Clovers were single-minded in purpose, wishing to stamp the board with 4chan's logo in various sizes, and it led to their ruin as they ultimately sided against the Void and with the communists, leading to their eventual destruction. If there was a faction directly against the monument, I would have to guess it would be them.
All of /bant/ North's crossposting members are admiable to the monument, and we would not work against it, nor would be obey any orders from /bant/ West to work against it if they were to come.