******So threads about your women going to black men don't get moved... but we do wtf?
It's not just that we live in an NPC universe Senpai, it's that we didn't used to.
The most disgusting terrible part about all of this, is that we what we feel, the disconnect is real. There is a reason the Wachowskis brothers got trannified into sisters. There is a terrible and all encompassing world beneath our world, that we see pockets of, inklings, moments that we glimpse into it. But this world is also fake, it is just promulgated by some very powerful people, with evil agendas.
The real universe was what we used to have... there was more chaos, more freedom, and though we can see this evil agenda sprout there and other places, there was still a strong human spirit that should back fuck you.
The net is the tightest it has ever been. If this was all about class warfare, if this was all determined ahead of time, there wouldn't be such a great megalithic agenda, to indoctrinate, weaken, poison, subvert, mindwash those of that are weaker and have already succumbed. We are simply the strongest, though I must say even I have found myself wavering at times.
This is not the time to check out or give up in what has become an NPC dominated experience, this is the time to double down and get stronger.
We have to acknowledge how hard we are pushed to hate, to be selfish, to attach value to nothing, to deplete ourselves, that is because without this our power levels go up. I lament that I almost died after something terrible happened to me, or you would likely find me already putting a major weight on the national stage.... my life trajectory was very solid on this, but sometimes the unexpected
happens.So I am somewhat of a wanderer at the moment, as I don't know what to do with this world I see before me.
We do have to find those of us that are mentally competent, and create a covert movement. We can't stand by as this gets any worse.