Quoted By:
>pssst, hey JD
>come over here, I need to talk to you
Ava looks around to make sure no-one else was there with them. Sure enough, it was just her and the Jersey Devil in an empty part of the backstage area
>I don't know if you heard, but Cassie Maverick called us out to a match
>She's vit dis new girl in de fed, her girlfriend or someting, I don't know. Big, tall, ugly mudderfahker. Anyvay, she's asking for a tornado tag match, her and de big gorilla against you and me
>Listen, even dough ve fought each udder a bunch over de hardcore title, I still have a lot of respect for you. You're von of de few people in dis useless federation who actually deserved to be called hardcore
>And I usually ignore all de bullshit in de main division, but I saw some of your stuff in de B1, and I vas impressed. Dose submissions of yours, inflicting so much pain on your opponents you force dem to submit. It almost makes me interested in technical wrestling, almost
>And even dough you narrowly lost your block, you at least did better dan de dumb hillbilly
>Anyvay, my point is, you and me may have our fights in de past, but dere's von ting ve can unite togedder on
>Beating de shit out of stupid christian whores like Cassie Maverick and keeping dem de fahk out of our hardcore division
>So, vat do you say? Do you vant to team up to kick Cassie Maverick and her neandertal girlfriend's heads in?