>>11118351>>11118351I am part of /sig/, I dont consume porn, nor fast food, nor anything jewish made. That is why I can speak of this topic quite well. Jews are not entirely to blame indeed, they are not the source of our problems. But many people in this thread mistakenly say that they are not a problem...they are...just as the degenerates are a problem.
But the society first and foremost can be fixed if you fix the men. That is why I went to do /sig/, and want others to do /sig/. Yes it is true. The jews are not the cause. Weak and shitty men are.
I dont think that the jews deserve genocide either. They are just a shitty salesman trying to sell garbage to us indeed. Sales laws to prevent their stuff from happening would be nearly more than enough. Assuming they are not rich enough to kidnap children for their blood libel rituals lol. But yea, the true people who deserve the hate are the white men who do not do /sig/. Who consume porn. Who are weak. Who submit to their women instead of beating them.