>>16156319Its literally impossible for that to be the cast evoulutnarily it would in fact be more reasonable and down right nearly proven that Men aren't able to be Monogamous
>Women can only be pregnant once at a time and for 9months out of a year>During that time their useless in any sort of labor work like hunting, Foraging or farmingMeanwhile
>One man can literally impregnate hundreds of women in a week if given the chance>Has no downside biologically maybe a few burnt calories >Can literally go out hunting right after he cums Men are forced to be Monogamous due to social pressure. Weak limp dick chuds got mad that Chad thunder cock the lion crusher would impregnate every women in the village while they went out to hunt rabbits and look for fruit trees that they made it a social norm for men to have sex with one person at a time.
Do you think the human species or any species could survive without men fucking everything that moved? That's why Elephants, And Shingle Back Skinks suck dick because they only mate with one partner their whole life who has 1-2 kids per birth after waiting months and for elephants almost 2 years.