>>19319480A brief limo ride later, and Carmody opens the door to Colby's apartment and goes inside.
The WWA Apartments, as established by BSD, aren't exactly luxury suites, but they are nice, well-maintained apartments with all the basic amenities. This one is a single bedroom model with a combination living room/office and dining room/kitchen. The living room still contains the little wooden desk from which Colby Jefferson used to record her early episodes of Colby's Corner.
>"Well, come on in, make yourself at home!"She clicks the TV on, goes to the refrigerator, and pulls out a couple of packages of berries, tossing them together in a bowl with a light sprinkle of sugar. She sets out three smaller bowls, with three spoons, a can of whipped cream to spray over them, three champagne glasses, and the bottle of Jen Beam, and brings all of these various items to the glass table in front of the sofa.
>"I hope it's okay, I invited Sola over too. She had such a good time back at the mansion, I know she wants to get to know you better without all that crazy stuff going on in the background.">"So I've got berries and cream, Jem Beam, and I think there's a couple Diet Cokes in there if you take it with your whiskey. Anything else you need, just ask!"Carmody plops down on the sofa and invites Priscilla to take a seat next to her.