>>18182055>OKAY!!!>ENOUGH!!![Miss USA tries to wipe as much cream off her face as she can.]
>Mmm!!!>COOL WHIP®!!! Whipped Topping™!!![Miss USA licks her fingers.]
>Eugh!!!>It's Light!![Miss USA looks at Colby.]
>Listen!!!>. . .>Look at us!!!>Panting, sweating, crying and covered in cream and whatever else!!!>Now I don't know about you->But I'm not exactly too thrilled that this thing turned into something your Empress' urine ursine would have in his hard drives!!![Miss USA tries to get up but falls back down.]
>Listen, Co- >Miss Jefferson.>You and I->We aren't so different.>. . . >Just two Southern gals, trying to make our way in this crazy world.>Despite your geographical handicap of being born in Arkansas, I'm sure you can feel it too.>My momma's from Georgia and my daddy's from Texas.>And while we weren't exactly tilling the soil of the Badlands or working the oil fields, not my family physically at least->I know you and I have more in common than you think.>See, you can seek validation, love, affection, attention, praise and whatever the hell else you want from THESE people but at the end of the day->They don't know what it is to be us.>To be looked down on.>To be "that part" of the United States of America.>To know that whatever YOU achieve and however much you conform to their ideals, their world->You'll still be seen as some yokel who THEY managed to "enlighten" and "civilize.">Someone who isn’t more than just an accent.>What we young’uns call country->These Yankees call it dumb!!!>Now, I don’t know everything about you, Miss Jefferson.>Maybe in time I will.[Miss USA looks Colby up and down and has just noticed her state of being semi undressed.]
>Then again, maybe not.