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iku is a girl who tries to find her way back home by fighting for the girls. In the other three episodes, iku is a girl who is trying to find her way back home by fighting for the girls when the three monsters begin attacking her. Although the anime isn't as suspenseful as the previous two episodes, it's a real gem here. As the events of this chapter unfold, the main series of the anime has a strong atmosphere and an intense heart. It is worth watching in all its various settings.
The anime is a love story about the two sisters from the first and the second volumes of Yuu Tsurugi, a light novel based on the manga series by Yuusuke Aoi. The story focuses on the fact that two girls come from another world, where there are no humans to save, and they can only be saved by becoming lovers, which is exactly what they are after, right? Well, when the protagonist has met up with his sister, they are introduced to a romance that is both cute and heartwarming. The first two episodes of this anime are titled, "I-I-I-I-Wanna-Be-I-I-I-I-Wanna-Be-I-I Want-I-Wanna-Be-I Just-I Want-I-I Want-I-I-I Want-I-Just-I Want-I-I-I Want-I-I Want-I-I Just-I Want-I Want-I-I Just-I Want-I-I Just-I Want-I-I Just-I Want-I-I Just-I Just-I Just-I Just-I Just-I Just-I Just-I Just-I Just-I Just-I Just-I Just-I Just-I Just-I Just-I Just-I Just-I Just-I Just-I Just-I Just-I Just-I Just-I Just-I Just-I Just-I Just-I Just-I Just-I Just-I Just-I Just-I Just-I Just-I Just-I Just-I Just-I Just-I Just-I Just-I Just-I Just-I Just-I Just-I Just-I Just-I Just-I Just-I Just-I Just-I Just-I Just-I Just-I Just-I Just-I Just-I Just-I Just-I