Christianity was created by the Romans in a failed attempt to get the Jews to shut the fuck up for once because they've always been a terror on society whose primary weapon is kvetching
So they found a rebel jew and had him build up some followers and push against the jewish leadership, to be a D&C shill, basically
and it worked to a degree, but now they had to get their agent out of the field, so they faked his death, stuck him in a tomb, then in the middle of the night, snuck him out - this is the obvious tell they were in on the whole thing - because only a Roman legion was pushing boulders blocking tombs with any haste, not some scrawny local idiots subjugated by them
said scrawny local idiots were so dumb, they thought this missing body wasn't an obvious sign that the Roman security agent known as "Yeshua" wasn't just merrily sailing to a vacation in Carthage before his next assignment, they thought it meant he had ascended to heaven, and formed a damn religious cult around the guy (which was a much more common style at the time - lots of people got cults around them)
The Romans, knowing all the facts of the matter, thought this was hilarious, and just rolled with it, tossing it some extra funds since it kept the D&C strat going.
Eventually this bit them in the ass, as the Christian memes were too powerful and started causing problems in the empire all on its own, so they decided to "convert to Christianity" while keeping all of their holidays the same, create new traditions in Christianity that directly mirrored their own traditions exactly, and kept the exact same power structure as Roman paganism, which officialized the meme religion started by a Roman spy, but that took a long time to develop.
Still, it's the main reason one should always believe in the power of KEK. Memes are magic made real.