Anyway welcome to /bant/ anon.
>>11855098Zastava's are pretty gud so long as it's not an Arsenal™ build. They're basically a modern Npap from what I understand and a lot fancier than Romanian AK's which aren't necessarily bad either mind you so sure if you've got the shekels and are eye balling one that's actually available get it even though its expensive and just eat bowls of rice, soup, and frozen veggies for a couple weeks.
You could just buy a AR10 though if you only care about being able to shoot 7.62.
>>11855098>Also, I don’t understand the laws about stocks.ATF gave up (for now) even with Trump low key giving them the go ahead to expand their faggotry. They'll wait for a Biden administration of Marxists, Corporatists, and Neocon/Neolibs to cram down more gun control but whether they win the Georgia Senate or not they'll still be blocked by Congress, Wyoming Liberians, and occasional Joe Manchin. Hopefully that's what happens anyway, the last thing we need is more federal laws especially since Washington is a corrupt cease pool that has abandoned middle and lower class America long ago in favor of corporate bailouts and globalism so fuck DC, the less power they have the better.
Anyway TL:DR just get a normal AK rifle with a 16" or above barrel, and if you want a 'pistol' then buy a AR 80% polymer frame (if your good with a dremel anyway) along with some Anderson and PSA parts kits and make yourself some fun retarded shit that's capable of firing 5.56 or 9mm.