I love you anon and I want you to know it's OK. I'm a jew and a communist lefty, and I know how much you hate me, but I also know the reasons why you hate me. Because you have been hurt so much in your life, that all you know is fear. And when you feel fear you need to feel hate also in order to protect yourself.
I know it's because you've been hurt so bad by this world, that you have convinced yourself, purely as a human defense and survival mechanism, that others are out to get you, and secretly plotting against you. And that anyone different than you is secretly plotting against you.
It's not true though. Not everyone wants to hurt you. In fact, the vast majority of people do not want to hurt you. And that includes jewish people like me, and black people, and latinx people, and any other group you can think of.
All this pain is self-perpetuating because as each new generation is hurt by those before it, it becomes bitter and fearful and begins to also hate. The only way to overcome it, to break the cycle, is through love and understanding.
This fear of others is the root of our pain in this world. It's what causes all of the political conflicts, wars, oppression, in-fighting and injustice. Some people are born genuinely psychopathic maybe, but for the most part, it's not done out of "evil" even though it seems that way. For the most part it is done by fearful and misguided souls who have been abused so badly that hate and fear is all that they can process.
Just know I love you anon. Just know I love you genuinely and this isn't a joke or a LARP or a manipulation of any sort, in any way. I genuinely mean it. I genuinely do love you
This video of this poor puppy seems very relevant: