>>4696272>Why would I fight a random dude?This. These pavement apes only know violence and murder, and aren´t even very good at it but its what they spend a lot of their time on it seems. 50% of the murders in the US instead of getting a fucking job and creating decent communities for themselves.
>nigger, calm down and try build a decent society and country>ooga no i have machette though, oogabooga.Niggers go to china and piss off chinese go to prison, niggers to to korea beat on random korean people, everywhere they go they manage to piss people off. It´s someone who constantly makes terrible PR and then acts as if someone else is responsible for their negative image.
https://www.liveleak.com/view?i=135_1314585645&theme_id=0OOGA BOOGA NIGGERS. OOGA FUCKING BOOGA. Nigger doesn´t understand korean thought he said nigger. As if saying nigger is excuse enough to attack someone.