>>3946584Y'know what's fucking hilarious, shill? I'm a loser by all accounts. EVERY LAST ONE. I'm 27 years old and still live with my parents, although I'm about to turn 28 in May if I'm honest but I've moved out twice. I had to leave the first time because I found my roommates cat playing with a heroin needle and the second time was when things didn't work out with my ex. My car is broken down so me ( a grown ass man) has to get a ride from mommy and daddy every morning where I make 10 fucking dollars an hour. I honestly browse this site at addicting levels and post every now and then as well. I'm that anomaly, my friend. As pathetic as I am on paper...I still slay mad pussy. In fact, I would go as far to guarantee that my kill count is even higher than yours. I don't remember the number exactly but I think it's between 40 and 50. Yeah I said it and I'm ready for the bs replies but I guess the moral of this whole thing is that you don't know what the fuck you're talking about and that I revel in that shit when people try and bring up the "muh gets none" argument when talking about politics or this site in general.
My secret because I'm sure someone will ask:
Treat girls like their dudes. I'm not saying play fucking tackle football with a bitch but god damn they are not that different from you. I'm sure most of you guys are actually pretty fun and can hang with the boys but freeze the fuck up around women. Yeah be a gentleman and all that jazz but shit, dudes. Women are not hard to flirt with. It really is all in your head for the most of you. Don't pity yourself no matter your circumstance because that is either a sign of manipulation or you're just a whiny fag to them.