>[Fresh off a commanding victory over Jingisu Kan, MADDOTAKO is in the ring. As is tradition, a Young Lioness hands the GJPW Intercontinental Champion a microphone.]["G-J-P-W! Another victory for the Queen of the Depths. The challenger has been sent to a watery grave, but the Champion finds herself besieged once more before the bell has rung. A recent competitor here has been calling me out, and naming this company we love as being something it is not. So... 私は彼女が理解できる言語を話します。"]
"Ar Kay. You makes wild claims. You are wrong. Pen Gwyn is a tough fight. And you were soon a Dojo Rookie. I do not make the fight in here. But I will happy fight you. Any time. Any place."
["Your sister makes waves in the West. Perhaps you wish to join her soon? I do not know. But there is no way that I will let you make these claims about this company. Holding this Championship is an honour, especially as the fake champion flees to the other side of the world. Had I my way, I would have dragged her back here myself."]
["But I speak too long! You did not come here to listen to me ramble about another victim or a false champion. There is only one Champion in Goon Japan Pro Wrestling, and she will continue to fight until her final breath! The Queen of the depths stands ready -- who among you all can withstand her pressure?"]
>[Her song begins again, and MADDOTAKO holds her championship high to end the show.]