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>be me
>fucking leaf, live in southern canada
>not as cold as ontario in the winter
>albertan, so pretty country and athletic
>be in grade five
>meet kid named Danield
>tard, messy desk, violent, and nerdy
>kid always trys to fuck with me cause i'm a 'jock'
>one day, he steals my muffin
>get revenge on this faggot
>grab syringe from bathroom due to brother being diabetic
>clean, filled it with Ghost pepper hot sauce my dad bought me as a gag gift
>fill the inside of muffin
>not even noticable
>come to school next day
>put it in ziploc baggie and wait
>see Daniel sneak out the muffin
>takes a big bite like a landwhale taking a bite into a bigmac
>he chews, than stops
>than screeches, dropping the muffin
>runs out of classroom crying, giving me the most angry look i've ever seen