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However, now that I have a source of income, they have already established that any woman I might try to fuck is either going to be Helene in disguise raping me or some other agent using my interest in her as consent for her to stab me in the dick and testicles and to implant torture devices into the stab wounds. They have made such a mockery of me by now, women turn me down for upvotes on Reddit. So, these things are carefully edge sorted. Helene says, "I'm not evil, I reimburse your receipts," which is probably not even true. However, I was subjected to abject poverty for many years before I was driven completely insane by my homelessness and the attendant increased stalking of the Trump administration. Everything she does is evil, all of the things she says she does that are good are edge sorted such that they are poisoned. Why didn't they send one that looked like Jessica to me while I was in college? Why weren't my receipts getting reimbursed while I was in college? It's because it was out of the question that I could ever have those things that I wanted which I would have easily earned for myself without any help had my physics career not been wrongfully terminated. Now I can only get it if it's edge sorted with poison. I think more than as means of helping me, my receipts are now such that I can't call attention to my enemies' crimes with my dirty clothes and sleeping bag.
They could have sent a Jessica and reimbursed my receipts while I was in college but instead they kicked me out of college wrongfully, then sent Jessica to me while they were imposing the harshest possible indigence upon me, and then years later after the conspiracy of the women against me, the conspiracy fomented by the mother of prostitutes which is Helene's title as the master of serious girl gang, and only now when everything is completely ruined do they offer a higher level poverty in which I could at least afford my own coffee (though a meal for two is still out of the question.)