>>11730228>new boxes put up on existing poles all around, painted brown, no one notices.>Like a many-tentacled Octopus.Octopi, Cacti, Palm trees, regural trees, just the trunk, you name it, they made it... Like i said let's just hope Ericsson has it's equipment in order here, as for the rest (many Huawei phones here...) let's just hope for the best. The way i'm guessing is that 5G and the dust (among other things) are both rolling out soon-ish irrelevant of who will be behind the wheel, but the way it's going to be used and where we end up IS very much dependent on the driver... Oh and we are getting the first batch of vaccines in two weeks, enough for cca 10%, i think AstraZeneca and Pfizer/Biontech (both mRNA), with medical staff, older people and nursing homes having the priority. Been registering some scepticism here and there, mostly among more knowledgeable/doctors, but my dismay even greater number of those who just can't wait to get the shot, hoping they can then be 'free' and 'have peace', i suspect it will all soon devolve into those who are 'clean' and those who are not... Let's pray all this are just my darkest fears, and the future we make will be instead be better than we can ever imagine... Some sun has started to pierce through the fog, i'm going to catch some light while it lasts, days are getting shorter, but not for much longer. Stay safe over there, God bless!