>>17621951I hope this isn't going to be a 1PBTID but i have a feeling it will be.
This has been posted to 4chan many times and I've also shared it myself but never as its own thread, always as replies to flat earth topics. basically this whole theory makes everyone seethe, the globies and the flat earth guys both hate it because it makes them both look stupid, the flat earth guys dont like it because its a giant earth theory, and the globies dont like it because if it turns out to be real, then it makes them look like fools for believing in something that turns out to be bunk.
I would encourage any flat earth or globies to watch the video and then make up your own mind about it, figure out what is going on here, the most simple explanation is that we're in some kind of simulation in all likelihood. could be like the truman show, or could be like the matrix (in a computer)