>>3808381Kys you know they are black supremasists and now someone lost a job. What a fucling shame blacks cant tolerate criticism of they ape like behaviour... Do i have to tell you the story of little rodhesia and how it turned into the shithole of zimbawe? Black are like that and even without whites they still act uncivilized like in zimbawe a literal shithole.
On the other hand if you are white tyen you are a fucking moron for not seeing blm for what they are, a black suprecist group no diferent thatn the black panters. If you are white know they will turned on the "white allies" simply for being white too.
Hope you are happy you ruined someones live, dont deserved any better than what you inflicted on that person and i hope you are ashame of it
Would you like being screwed over like you didwith that coworker of yours? I think not, and if you reallay are black know this, your own kind will do this to you.
If you are any other race its still unacceptable what you did.
Hope you find the way and straighten your life.