>>8841589Regarding pic related, besides being niggers, it has a lot to do with the enviroment and the way of thinking. Elliot Hulse did a video about it regarding that specific topic.
He argued that in prison it is a jungle, you need to look and act tough or you will get eaten alive, you know it and feel it, so it would make sense that your brain ponderates greatly the production of testosterone among other self defense related things over things such as rational thinking maybe.
Think and lead your life as a king, your body will follow.
Also if it helps, I got tested a couple of months after doing 45 day GOMAD and got ~1200 test. I'd say to read stuff regarding xenoestrogens and food (Almost every processed food has onions leicitin). Limit shampoo use to once per week (it made my grease hair dissapear) and search for a shampoo without Parabens (Another Xenoestrogen)
Also do dishes with gloves, use soap only in armpit and crotch, try to go for natural meals and abuse animal products.
I see you already do heavy compound movements so you are already ahead of 95% of the population, keep them up.
Cya at the gym Argnon