>>18622826Just be clear, that there are FOB mindwipes that will never make it across the finish line when it comes to dating white guys. Some are so hardcore chink, that they think flying faggots with swords are real, and that China won WW2. The best one's are the one's educated in medicine or biology or genetics. They KNOW the deal. You don't have to explain to them why they are bugs, and the only way out is up. Others can come to that realization on instinct, but the STEM field girls know it. So they don't have the cultural hangups that come with FOB mentality idiots that think spending a billion years as a black haired black eyed coolie midget is a noble cause.
Aside from that one hand up, most asian girls are great. If they don't 'know' they want to be with you, don't bother. They won't be able to handle it, short or long term. Those chinks are now the minority though. CV19 showed them that they were all order following slaves. That chipped away at whatever ego they had left.