>>21843667quiet subhuman
>>21843669your assumptions about me and my life are boring. and the whole time all you do is keep preaching your babbletard speak about your fake demongods.
and I will be quiet when I want. Not when some delusional nobody nothing neverwas thinks he has authority over me in any manner shape or form. You tell me quiet I reply with more words.
Once I get bored of subhuman 95IQ ass and this pathetic thread I will go do other things. For now I leave this thread up in a tab and check in when I have a moment to reply and mock you some more. but continue to post in your delusion some fake demongod in your head gives you power and other things.
yes yes the devil in me le evil we all have blah blah blah.
aight listen man im gonna be honest I realized you're boring when I was typing this reply up. you wont change your tired cliche chatgpt replies up either so you'll just stick to your boring plot and script about le ebil demongod and stuff.
either way i'll at least read your next boring trite reply that involes some whine about your fake demongod and other le ebil stuff.
>pic related. what I found and am talking to currently. hint its what the flashlight is aimed at