>>10835169Deus Ex meets Infinite Warfare
CRISPR combined covid and ebola may target only mutant sickle cell numerically unbleachable niggies and Tay-Sachs kikes.
>GAFFS (gravity assisted fission fail-safes)Modify the boron, indium, or cadmium safety rods and graphite moderator rods to fall down into extra wide receiving holes if their magnetic suspension circuits or pressurized suspension columns were to overheat or lose power (Chernobyl). Install water towers to cool the reactor when a circuit with fuses powering magnets to close up valves loses current (magnetic doors) or has a wax-like substance keeping the loop closed melt (fire-sprinklers), thus dropping the gates or blowing the latches and letting the water reservoir flow down and condense up until the decay heat driven pumps kick in (Three Mile Island, Fukushima). Molten salt thorium reactors could be used safely in outer space since they self-regulate their rates by expanding and contracting, though corrosion resistance then becomes a factor. Use diamonds to encapsulate radioactive material such as spent graphite for use as batteries.
>FREEDOM (fusion rocket engine economized diversion of meteoroids)There's enough dissolved uranium in the oceans for millennia but good luck finding bacteria that'll extract it like gold. There are asteroids in the belt full of rare elements as well as deposits in icy Martian caves and moon craters. Thermonuclear devices could push the solid gold and silver aborted planet cores into orbit around Earth.
Magnetic confinement would also be used in ARE (antimatter rocket engines). Balance small stars with CERN-like extra dimensional spinning mini black holes for Alcubierre warping, but that's a stretch.
>STAR (solar tracking arrayed reflectors)To terraform Mars, use L4 + L5 mirrors.
>HEAT (Hall effect amplitudified thruster)For Venus, use L1 microwaved plasma drive Fresnel lenses. Carbon nanotube woven fiber balloons and catalytic converters could modify the atmosphere.