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Now, back to the Confectionesphere:
>Kingdom Gâteau Blanc
>Prior to the arrival of Vexeltron there existed a small human kingdom already settled on the plane, having wandered through a rift between the prime plane and Confectionesphere that has since closed and left them isolated from the rest of the world, unaware that they were even in another plane to begin with. The people of Gâteau Blanc were blessed by the Conectionesphere's abundant food and intrinsic preservation: famine never came, bread was almost as good months later as the day it was freshly gleaned from the oven, and the Blanc knew little hardship as its citizens turned their focus towards emulating the pastel delights of their surroundings, constructing the walls of their fortresses out of cake, the material they had most to work with. For generations, Gâteau Blanc refined itself into a kingdom of merriment and aesthetics, its valued historical figures bakers and gardeners, its military a ceremonial guard who had forgotten the purpose of the weapons they wielded from tradition.
>The Confectionesphere's preservation of organic matter on the planes made it the suitable candidate as the tomb of a pantheon of slain gods by a rival deity, who buried the murdered gods deep below the earth and entombed them in a citadel made of carved granite bricks. The prison was meant to contain the gods without letting their essence return to the earth as the would if their bodies were allowed to decay, to either reincarnate or warn their followers of the wicked deed, trapping them in their own bodies.
>This tomb of imprisoned gods was positioned right below the foundation of Gâteau Blanc's royal castle, and its the whispers of the gods slowly found their way into the ears of the simple minded citizens, disrupting their idyllic existence and causing a sense of great unease as workers were beckoned to start excavating into the soft ground for what they believed to be a great treasure to help inspire the next great work.