>>11843891>actual sugardefine "sugar", they are all carbohydrates unless they are artificial (stevia included)
they are all made up of either glucose, fructose or polymers of either or both
honey is inverted sugar with some acids and few vitamins
cane sugar is just refined sugar with added molasses (which is made of minerals and some tannins which alter the taste slightky) as making genuine cane brown sugar is never profitable and is always done artificially either by adding coffee for colour or molasses if itcs the mire expensive variant
refined sugar is mostly extracted from sugar beets
glucose syrup is derived from acid/temperature degradation of starch to glucose
maple syrup again has sucrose with some xylosylfructose anf raffinose and other resinous acids in it
fructose syrup is either made from dandelion root, chicory root or from special tyoe of sunflower that has corms with lots of inulin
bread crust has maltose which is again sugar
milk has lactose which isn't sweet per se but again is sugar
my point is that "sugar" isn't all in all some evil food you shouldn't eat ever and all those fancy sugars (honey, maple etc) have those "healthy side products" destroyed during termic preparatoion, you shouldn't eat lots of it unless you're very sporty and exercise on the regukar
and as far as I take it we both exercise on the regular
I'm not saying add a heaping cup of it to marinara, I'm just saying add a teaspoon or two so that if there are others eating it they get a more balanced flavour instead of sour shitfest that are plain tomatoes