>>8438602I need you to forge a functional knife following your own style. The blade needs to be 18 to 22 inches long and have a hidden tang. Your work will be judged by our panel of judges: The American Bladesmith Society Master Smith J. Neilson, the authority on weapons history David Baker and the edged-weapons specialist and master of the fighting style of Kali Doug Marcaida. You will have 3 hours to forge the knife and 3 hours for the handle. After that the judges will test your knife by chopping a piece of wood, stabbing a couple of barrels and cutting a row of apples. If you make it to the final you'll work for 5 days in your home forge and craft a historical weapon in order to get $10000 and the title of Forged in Fire Champion.
Now you will have 10 minutes to design the knife. The first round starts... now!