>>18586797>I worry it's because I made a computer script he said I couldn't and told him he was a dummy. Was his choice, honestly. He likely didn't think he was good enough to solve the problem, so he never tried. As a red blooded high testosterone white male, I am familiar with a profound sense of healthy entitlement. Meaning I'm not going to take shit from an employer who doesn't respect me. If anything I've learned to look down on minorities and women who take this corporate bullshit, because unconsciously they don't believe they deserve better. Like I said in my first post, I respected that woman and told her to her face how much I respected her, and she decided to maintain that safe little mask rather than recognizing what she was owed.
I wish they had treated your coworker right, but the world is full of pieces of shit like your manager. Not sure if you've ever been to the bay, but my new job is in Oakland and is right by a little place called "International Blvd". It's a strip that's about 8-10 miles long full of little girl prostitutes, drug addicts and gang bangers. The police do not go there, ever. They've basically abandoned all of East Oakland. Above and below and to the right and to the left of that area are millionaires who don't give the slightest fuck about them. Now, I'm a rampaging racist who might as well be known as a one man holocaust, but my fucking skin crawls when I think of the sentence "little girl prostitutes out in the open" even if they're negro. It makes me want to drive in there and fucking massacre the pimps who let it happen. You know who doesn't think that? Your manager, and every other career obsessed piece of shit in America. To them it's out of sight, out of mind, just like your coworker's brains all over the wall.