>>2473755>Hopefully I can also find people who have quit trollingthose people 404'd
> I'm hoping to construct a so called "life-cycle" of a trolldont think there is a life cicle its more a case of if people can find a easy outlet for their "troll" side and if surounding cercumstanses pushes them into trolling ( for example
> By doing this i can cross examine the current scientific studies and see how well they match up with my findingsyeah they are gona differ cuz those studies were made with a goal in mind to label people online as trolls and to dehumanise them so that they have a easy scapegoat as is the case with mosts studies , they are rarely in it just for"science" or to get more info on the subject
>what kind of activities are involved and how long it lastsas i said i think it is a personality trait so the activities their frequancy and time duration would depend on how long the person thinks it is needed (almost like how flight or flight works)
i both use "trolling" as a passtime and as an outlet for my frustrations or defence mechanism , but its not a big part of my life
i really hope im not wasting my time answering questions to some larping finbro