>>10909919>>10909926>>10909922>>10909921>blood libel is now normal on twitter faggot. Adrenochrome is now normie knowledge!MEGARED PILL!!! Its real faggots! blood draining is real! Young blood is worth its weight in gold! Young blood has chromosomes that have very short telmoeres = cellular youth. When they flow through an old boomers organs, they get rejuvenated faggots! it is the scientific ambrosia of youth and there is a large scale pedowood racket that systematically harvests immigrant kids wartorn refugee kids babies etc to be slaughtered and every part used for profit! organs! blood plasma! marrow! everything just like an animal! A beast!
We are ruled by the beast! and wayfair salesforce is the HQ or seat of the beast! the satanic cult of COVID! If the satanic boomers can engage in brazen satanic child sales torture and killing profiting of every part of the corpse they CAN AND WILL LIE ABOUT COVID!
>WEAR THE MASK! LET ME NOW ANALLY RAPE YOU TO DEATH ZOOMER AND THEN DRINK YOUR BLOOD! WE GAVE YOU THE INTERNET! YOU ZOOMERS OWE US YOUR BLOOD!https://onezero.medium.com/exclusive-ambrosia-the-young-blood-transfusion-startup-is-quietly-back-in-business-ee2b7494b417